Cast, Supply & Installation of the following Precast Concrete Elements :
Precast VILLA panels, electrical substations, industrial buildings
Precast BOUNDARY WALLS & Mosque Dome: Economical, Medium, Luxury & Industrial patterns
Precast MANHOLES: Stormwater, Sewerage, Electrical, Pull Pits, splice pits, Etisalat JRC Junction Boxes, route markers, catchbasins
Precast FOUNDATIONS & TRENCHES: Pipe sleeper, pipe rack foundations, RCC trench, RCC cover slabs, Light Pole fdns, Feeder Pillar, Service Turret, tetrapods
Precast BARRIERS: UBR barriers, Jersey, single sided, double sided, fencing foundations, Drain channels, Drainage flumes.
Precast DESIGNER FACADES: For Multistory Buildings
Precast items for OIL AND GAS: Wellcellars, ID slabs, oil pipeline racks, earthing pits, pipe supports, Foundation types, Fence foundations, Access Barriers, solar foundations, etc.